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Real-Time & Historical Quotes Data

Crypto Prices and Forex Rates APIs

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Cryptocurrency Prices and Forex Rates API

Get started today!

We offer two currencies APIs that provide real-time, end-of-day and historical quotes for cryptocurrencies and foreign exchange rates.

Our Crypto Prices API provides real-time and historical quotes for over 900 cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin. The crypto historical data API also provides daily historical snapshots with Open, High, Low, Close, Volume and other statistics going back to 2013, and crypto related news articles from around the globe. 


Our Foreign Currency Exchange API or Global Currencies API provides support for more than 170 currencies and over 29,000 currencies pairs. In addition to the API, we offer a downloadable file with daily forex rates. 

This API is designed for integration into commercial applications not for individual investor use.

  • Get access to real cryptocurrency data within minutes of trial approval
  • 250 free API calls
  • 7 day license
  • Access to support and domain experts
  • Sample code and documentation

Available data includes volume and stock quote (bid/ask) data, intraday tick data, volume and time-weighted average prices (VWAP, TWAP), and market statistics including open, high, low, close, and volume data.

Advanced developer experience is recommended for API testing.

Not a developer?  Looking for a no-code option to learn more about our products? Contact us for a personalized walk-through.

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We found Xignite's APIs to be very easy to work with and implement, offering multiple data formats. We've also discovered that as StockTwits expands internationally, Xignite's broad global coverage means that adding international market data is a simple and straightforward proposition.

Chris Corriveau, CTO
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